Bulevardul Națiunile Unite 4, București 030167
Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 18.00 PM
+ 40 21 317 25 87
Creative design
Quality services
Free consultation
Technical support

We approach every digital project with professionalism, and that's why...

Our team of specialists offers you a complete range of online marketing services, from creating and maintaining a fully functional, user-friendly, and manageable website to the much-needed online promotion to grow your business and attract new customers.

Efficient Content Management
Our Content Management System (CMS) allows clients to create, edit, organize, and publish content easily, ensuring good collaboration among team members.

Affordable and Cost-effective Solutions
Our team ensures that the CMS functions seamlessly and is configured to adapt to the specific requirements of each client, optimizing available resources.

Reduced Technical Costs
Our sites utilize an in-house code base, which significantly contributes to cost reduction and saves time.

Custom Integration
We connect visitors to popular platforms, adding value and utility to our clients' websites and improving user experience.

We provide custom integration for:

bubbleE-commerce services (PayPal, Google Pay)
bubbleThird-party platforms (Salesforce, HubSpot, WordPress, OpenCart)
bubbleSocial media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X / Twitter, LinkedIn).

What marketing services can we help you with

Graphic design

We create creative graphic design solutions, essential for building a distinctive visual identity. Our team of professionals helps you transform any idea into reality through remarkable designs that capture attention and optimize user experience. We work closely with each client to produce visual materials that perfectly reflect your brand and highlight the benefits of the products or services in your portfolio.

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Web development

If you are looking for a customized software solution that perfectly fits your business needs, you are in the right place. With extensive experience in web development services, we help you launch or relaunch an efficient website tailored to your needs. Provide us with more details about your project, and we will quickly deliver a customized solution for a well-structured, responsive, and search engine optimized website.

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PPC Campaigns

Do you want to reach existing customers or a new audience and are not sure where to start? With extensive experience in online promotion services, Fokus specialists successfully create and manage pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns for clients across a variety of industries. We can assist you with any type of advertising services, ensuring you reach the right audience by optimally promoting the products or services you offer.

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From creating impactful slogans and advertising copy for brochures or sales letters to email marketing campaigns or content for social media and much more, Fokus specialists create any digital material you need to effectively promote your products and services. Our team's experience and creativity guarantee persuasive messages that capture the target audience's attention and stimulate the desired action.

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Email marketing

Through email marketing campaigns, you maintain a constant connection with your audience, building and strengthening long-term relationships aimed at boosting loyalty and engagement. From informative newsletters and new product launch announcements to exclusive promotions and reactivation messages for inactive customers, we handle all aspects of email marketing campaigns. Rely on the expertise of Fokus specialists to deliver these services.

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Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in online marketing strategy, helping any business increase visibility and attract high-quality traffic to their website. Fokus's SEO services start with a detailed site audit to identify strengths and areas needing improvement, from URL structure and page loading speed to keyword usage and the quality of internal and external links.

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Online marketing information

7 Elemente-cheie ușor de aplicat în email marketing

7 Elemente-cheie ușor de aplicat în email marketing

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